
Basic Health Check Up – 32 Parameters


Fasting Blood Sugar / Random Blood Sugar (1)
Total Cholesterol (1)
Liver Function Test (12)
Urea (1)
Creatinine (1)
Complete Blood Count (CBC) (16)

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  • Fasting Blood Sugar / Random Blood Sugar (1)
    1. Random Blood Sugar / Fasting Blood Sugar
    2. Postprandial Blood Sugar
  • Total Cholesterol (1)
    1. Fasting Blood Sugar / Random Blood Sugar (1)
    2. Total Cholesterol (1)
  • Liver Function Test with GGT (12)

    1. Bilirubin – Total
    2. Bilirubin – Direct
    3. Bilirubin – Indirect
    4. SGOT
    5. SGPT
    6. SGOT/SGPT
    7. GGT-Gamma Glutamyl Transpeptidae
    8. Alkaline Phosphatase-ALPI
    9. Total Protein
    10. Albumin
    11. Globulin
    12. A/G Ratio
  • Urea (1)
  • Creatinine (1)
  • Complete Blood Count (CBC) (16)
    1. Hemoglobin (Hb)
    2. Erythrocyte (RBC) Count
    3. Packed Cell Volume (PCV)
    4. Mean Cell Volume (MCV)
    5. Mean Cell Haemoglobin (MCH)
    6. Red Cell Distribution Width (RDW)
    7. Total Leucocytes (WBC) Count
    8. Neutrophils
    9. Lymphocytes
    10. Monocytes
    11. Eosinophils
    12. Basophils
    13. Platelet Count
    14. Mean Platelet Volume (MPV)
    15. PCT
    16. PDW
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