Healthcare providers use DHEAS tests to measure levels of a steroid hormone that your body converts into estrogen and androgens (testosterone). A high test result may indicate an adrenal tumor or polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), while a low test result may indicate Addison?s disease
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SHBG (Sex Hormone Binding Globulin)
What is an SHBG blood test?
This test measures the levels of SHBG in your blood. SHBG stands for sex hormone binding globulin. It’s a protein made by the liver and attaches itself to sex hormones found in both men and women. These hormones are:Testosterone, the main sex hormone in men
Dihydrotestosterone (DHT), another male sex hormone
Estradiol, a form of estrogen, the main sex hormone in women
SHBG controls how much of these hormones are delivered to the body’s tissues. Although SHBG attaches to all three of these hormones, an SHBG test is mostly used to look at testosterone. SHBG levels can show if there is too much or too little testosterone being used by the body. What is it used for?
An SHBG test is most often used to find out how much testosterone is going to the body’s tissues. Testosterone levels can be measured in a separate test called total testosterone. This test shows how much testosterone is in the body, but not how much is being used by the body.Sometimes a total testosterone test is enough to make a diagnosis. But some people have symptoms of too much or too little of the hormone that the total testosterone test results can’t explain. In these cases, an SHBG test may be ordered to provide more information about how much testosterone is available to the body.
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A Treadmill Stress Test (TMT) is a form of stress test that?s conducted while you do an exercise walking on a treadmill during the course of an Electro Cardiogram (ECG). The TMT testing compares blood circulation in your heart when you?re resting and under the influence of optimum physical pressure. A TMT is performed to ascertain the following conditions.
To identify a congenital heart problem like Coronary Artery Disease (CAD) wherein blood vessels/arteries get clogged, diseased or damaged
To determine the functioning of your heart post a heart-attack or angioplasty
To detect repressed heart conditions like shallow breathing, dizziness, chest discomfort and abrupt bodily weaknesses
To monitor the efficacy of medications applied to cure diseases such as angina and ischemia
To discern any abnormal heartbeat rate because of exertion caused by exercise₹300.00Add to cart -
Spirometry is a type of pulmonary function test, or a lung function test, that measures the flow of air through your lungs. It also estimates the amount of air in your lungs. The test is performed using a machine called a spirometer. It measures the amount of air you breathe and how fast you can blow air out of your lungs. Spirometry is a safe and commonly ordered test.Spirometry tests determine if lungs are functioning at expected levels. It helps to diagnose lung and airway diseases. For example, the test can detect chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) before symptoms develop. The test can also check for pulmonary fibrosis, or scarring of the lung tissue.
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A D-dimer test looks for D-dimer in blood. D-dimer is a protein fragment (small piece) that’s made when a blood clot dissolves in your body.
Blood clotting is an important process that prevents you from losing too much blood when you are injured. Normally, your body will dissolve the clot once your injury has healed. With a blood clotting disorder, clots can form when you don’t have an obvious injury or don’t dissolve when they should. These conditions can be very serious and even life-threatening. A D-dimer test can show if you have one of these conditions.
₹1,516.00Add to cart -
Urine ketone
A ketones in urine test measures ketone levels in your urine. Normally, the cells in your body use glucose (sugar) from your blood for energy. If your cells can’t get enough glucose, your body breaks down fat for energy instead. This produces an acid called ketones, which can build up in your blood and urine.
Having some ketones in your urine is normal. But high ketone levels in urine may be a sign that your body is too acidic. This condition is called ketoacidosis. The most common type of ketoacidosis is a complication of diabetes called diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA). Diabetic ketoacidosis is a medical emergency that often develops quickly and can even be life-threatening.
If you have diabetes, a ketones in urine test can help find high ketone levels early so you can get treatment right away. Home tests are available if your health care provider recommends frequent testing.
₹120.00Add to cart -
An electrocardiogram records the electrical signals in the heart. It’s a common and painless test used to quickly detect heart problems and monitor the heart’s health.
An electrocardiogram ? also called ECG or EKG ? is often done in a health care provider’s office, a clinic or a hospital room. ECG machines are standard equipment in operating rooms and ambulances. Some personal devices, such as smartwatches, offer ECG monitoring. Ask your health care provider if this is an option for you.
₹1,000.00Add to cart -
Lung Function test
Lung function tests, also known as pulmonary function tests, or PFTs, are a group of tests that check to see if your lungs are working right. The tests look for:
How much air your lungs can hold
How well you move air in and out of your lungs
How well the lungs move oxygen into your bloodstream. Your blood cells need oxygen to grow and stay healthy.
There are several types of lung function tests. They include:Spirometry. the most common type of lung function test. It measures how much and how quickly you can move air in and out of your lungs.
Lung volume test. also known as body plethysmography. This test measures the amount of air you can hold in your lungs and the amount of air that remains after you exhale (breathe out) as much as you can.
Gas diffusion test. This test measures how oxygen and other gases move from the lungs to the bloodstream.
Exercise stress test. This test looks at how exercise affects lung function.₹1,000.00Add to cart