Refund Policy

  1. When can I expect the amount to be refunded?

1.1 Please note that the refund amount mentioned at the time of return on the Platform is an estimate and will be finalised after completion of verification.

1.2 Refund will be initiated only post successful verification.

1.3 The amount is expected to reflect in your account after completion of verification:

Method of Payment

Refund Timeframe (after successful verification)

Lifespan Diagnostic wallet and Cash on Delivery [Note: refunds for cash on delivery orders shall be reflecting in your Lifespan Diagnostic wallet.]

1 business day


1-3 business days

Online refund

7-10 business days subject to the bank turnaround time and RBI Guidelines.

Other Wallets

2-3 business days


1.4 You understand and acknowledge that we reserve the rights to claim back any refund that has been processed by us as a result of fraudulent activities such as cancelling the appointment with improper reasons.